I'm Jin

a programmer



I am currently a software engineer and have experience in developing android, windows and web applications. As a former mechatronics engineer, I love integrating things and make software and hardwares work seamlessly together. To put it in a simple way, I love creating smart things!


My Skills and Projects.

Self Built RoboCar

Auto Search A Target and SLAM with A Custom Robot in ROS (simulation)

A* Search Algorithm Comparison on Manhattan and Euclidean Distance

Control Custom Robot in ROS Gazebo with Object Detection in Tensorflow

2D Mapping Using Hector SLAM and RPLidar with Raspberry Pi 4

Computer Vision: Use machine learning CNN DNN to train model and realize object detection

Worry Stone Android App: Build a mobile app and a server to save texture data from users

Path Following Robot: This robot detects and follows path automatically

Motor Control: Utilize MCU and closed PID feedback loop to control motor direction, speed, trajectory etc.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about me or my projects or just fancy saying hey, get in touch